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BTAA GIS Conference 2021 Recorded Presentations

By Karen Majewicz

The recorded presentations from our BTAA GIS Conference are now available on YouTube!

The second annual BTAA GIS Conference, held on November 12th, 2021, provided an opportunity for students and educators in the Big Ten institutions to present their geospatial work, exchange information, and develop potential collaborations. The one-day conference included two keynote addresses, presentation sessions, lightning talks, a career panel, and a map gallery. 162 people registered for the conference, representing 47 unique institutions or affiliations. On the day of the conference, there were 96 unique attendees.

A highlight of this year’s conference was the two keynote addresses. The BTAA GDP provided speaker honorariums for the first time, and the talks described significant and inspiring projects/programs:

  • American Domesday, by Dr. Robert Lee, discussed his newest work to spatially analyze public lands in the American West. After the conference, we added geoportal records for Lee’s related work on “Land Grab Universities.”
  • The Population Data Buffet, by Dr. Tracy Kugler, described the many types of population data with a focus on IPUMS. The geoportal features several web services of historical county boundaries derived from the National Historical GIS, a project within IPUMS.
More details on the conference can be found here.