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Showing posts from May, 2024

Indiana Statewide LiDAR

By Shirley Li Featured Item or Collection: Indiana Statewide LiDAR: 2016-2020 What is the item? This index map provides download links to LiDAR data in Indiana. The 3DEP data products consist of lidar point clouds (LAS) and digital elevation model (DEM) data. 3DEP acquisition of QL2 Lidar for the State of Indiana began in spring of 2016 and was completed in the spring of 2020, with the final data delivered in December 2020. The data was made available as a web-based distribution method supported by GDSL@Purdue and Institute for Digital Forestry at Purdue University.    What BTAA Library submitted the item? Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies Interesting tidbits You can not only download the point cloud data, but also the derived DSM, DTM, and NDHM. You can preview DEM and NDHM in the browser The Indiana LiDAR data portal is built using open source technology Caption: LiDAR data download for Marion County with DE